
It’s big and small. Are you suppressing them?

Let’s be honest and have transparent discussions about emotions, expectations, and roles.

How do we strike a balance between individual emotional needs and respecting the emotions of others so we can manage conflict?

Conflicts often stem from avoiding emotional contention and neglecting introspection. Conflict, despite its inherent emotional upheaval, acts as a catalyst for our emotional growth and evolution.

When faced with emotional contention, consider the benefits of relinquishing rigid emotional viewpoints and engage in introspection. By shedding emotional defensiveness, you unlock the door to emotional resilience and clarity.

Many of us have experienced that moment of exasperation.

Instead of being furious, be curious. First, you may feel hesitant to share or may feel judged.

Instead of reacting, respond intentionally. Using the frontal lobe (one of the four main lobes of the brain) to make decisions.

Show yourself grace and compassion. Calm our nervous system and we can be present for others.